Township Seal:
Township Logo:
A rebrand project began in early 2022 after the Board of Commissioners approved a website redesign in the 2022 budget. The purpose of the project was to reflect a push for a more modernized look and feel. The Township logo and seal were designed, analyzed and approved in late 2022. This was a process that involved Township staff working with a graphic designer and the Board of Commissioners, who ultimately approved both the logo and seal. Even though the Township's appearance will be different, the commitment to excellent service, fair government, and strong values remains unchanged.
The Board of Commissioners charged Township staff to transition to the new branding in the most efficient and economical way. You may continue to see Upper Dublin's former seal as the full transition to the new branding occurs over time.
The logo will be used for things like digital communications (including the website and social media), emails, event and program promotion, signs, etc. The Township seal is still the official government seal of Upper Dublin Township that will be seen on Township letterhead, meeting agendas and minutes, communications from the Board of Commissioners and Township Manager, etc.
- What's new about the seal?
a. The seal now says "Upper Dublin Township," which is the official name of our municipality (formerly, the seal used "The Township of Upper Dublin").
b. The word "Community" replaced the word "Brotherhood" within the ribbon to be better inclusive of all residents of Upper Dublin Township.
c. A hand with leaves representing "growth," "foundation," and "prosperity" replaced the nuclear family icon in the shield.
d. Seven stars, representing the seven wards of Upper Dublin Township, replaced the olive branches.
e. The phrase "EST. 1719" was included as a marker of the Township's history.
- Why use a logo in addition to the official seal?
After a discussion with a professional graphic designer, it was decided to develop and design a logo for the Township to use in addition to the official government seal. The purpose is to have something more relatable and recognizable for Township residents.
- What is the meaning behind the logo?
a. The UDT letters are intertwined representing how the community is interwoven - everyone is a neighbor and friend, and all are forever connected.
b. The rectangular box around the UDT is representative of the orientation of the geographic boundary of Upper Dublin Township.
c. A cardinal was included as a relatable icon. A cardinal is widely used in the Upper Dublin Township community - from sports teams to community groups to the School District - including it in the Township logo was a natural and logical decision. Additionally, the symbolism of a cardinal is something by which the Township wanted to be represented: friendship, home, good luck and hope.
d. The phrase "Stronger Together" was included to represent how the Upper Dublin community unfailingly comes together in good times, like to celebrate UDT's 2019 Tricentennial, and times of adversity, especially after devastation caused by Hurricane Ida in September 2021.
If you have any questions, please contact the Public Information office via email (