Website Terms of Use
The purpose of the Upper Dublin Township Web Site (hereinafter referred to as "website") is to provide information to the public about the work, actions and ordinances of local government in Upper Dublin and government-related community programs, activities, services, meetings, events, and issues. The website should also provide:
- Convenient transaction options for a variety of Township pay-services.
- Online access to various Township forms and applications.
- Downloadable copies of Township documents, reports and informational publications.
- Links to related websites that will better connect Upper Dublin residents to the broader community.
The content and appearance of this 24 hour per day Internet information website will originate at and be the responsibility of the Township of Upper Dublin. This website is not a public forum, but rather is maintained for the exclusive use of the Township in communicating matters of general public interest.
- To provide timely public information about government meetings, services, programs and events.
- To provide information which will enable the residents of Upper Dublin to have more effective access to local government.
- To educate residents about government procedures and processes.
- To provide residents with information on various Township functions and departments.
- To expand community awareness of the decision-making processes of local government.
- To provide accurate, up-to-date information to residents during emergencies.
- To assist Township departments in the delivery of services, programs and information.
- To provide access (via hyperlinks) to information concerning:
- Historical, cultural and educational institutions (including the Upper Dublin School District)
- Economic development and opportunities within the Township as well as facts about the Township's business districts
- Other organizations which provide services to the citizens of the Township (e.g., public transportation, healthcare, etc.)
The website will include information directly supporting the above stated objectives. Examples include a welcome from the President of the Board of Commissioners and the Township Manager, the President of the Board of Commissioners Vision for the Township, biographies of each Commissioner, schedule of public meetings of Boards and Commissions, frequently asked questions, history, etc.
The Township strives to present current and accurate information on this website, but cannot guarantee it. In the event of a discrepancy between the information on this website and official information available at Township offices, the official information shall prevail.
Materials and information on the website are provided as a public service and intended to afford general guidelines on matters of public interest. Accordingly, the information on this website is not intended to serve as legal, accounting, tax or other professional advice. Except for the third party materials described herein, the materials and information on this website were generated, compiled, or assembled at public expense and are freely available for non-commercial, non-profit making use, provided the user keeps intact all associated copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices.
Unauthorized attempts to modify any information stored on this system, to defeat or circumvent security features, or to utilize this system for other than its intended purposes are prohibited and may result in reporting the offense to the appropriate legal authorities.
Web Link Guidelines
The Upper Dublin Township website will be used primarily to provide information by and about Township government. Local municipalities and Civic Associations, which are recognized in the community, may request a web link in writing to:
Township Manager
Upper Dublin Township at Commerce
370 Commerce Drive
Fort Washington, Pennsylvania 19034
Any registered non-profit agency may be linked to the Township website. All non-profit requests must be accompanied by a written request and must include tangible evidence of non-profit status. Requests should be written to the above address.
Links to personal websites (those created by individuals), links to commercial websites, links to sites associated with, sponsored by or serving a candidate for any political office, by a non-municipal political party or organization, or any ballot proposal not initiated by the Township or School District, and links to websites with obscene or objectionable images or text are prohibited.
Web link requests not covered by any of the above statements will be considered upon written request only, and will be approved only upon an affirmative vote of the Board of Commissioners. Links from the Township's website to other sites on the Internet do not constitute an endorsement by the Township. The Township is not responsible for the content, quality, or accuracy of any off-site materials referenced or linked through the Township's website. All approved web links can take up to six weeks to complete.
The Township provides links and pointers solely for our users' information and convenience. The inclusion of links on this website should not be construed as an endorsement by the Township of those links or their contents. When users select a link to an outside website, they are leaving the Township website and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the outside website.
Accessibility Policy
It is the policy of the Township that information and services on this site are designed to be accessible to people with disabilities.
Privacy Policy
Users are not asked to provide personal information to visit the Township website, download Township publications, or use Township email communications. Personal information may be required in order to transact business with the Township. Information secured through connections to the Township website may be used to conduct statistical analyses of user activities, such as measuring interest in Township information and how it is provided. The Township may collect and store non-personal information including but not limited to:
- Name of the domain from which you access the Internet
- Type of browser and operating system used to access the site
- Date and time you access the site
- Page from which you came and the pages that you access
- Your system's IP address
Notice to Township
Communications made through the Township website shall not be deemed to constitute legal or official notice to the Township, its agencies, officers, employees, representatives, or agents with respect to any existing, pending, or future claim or cause of action against the Township or any of its agencies, officers, employees, representatives, or agents where notice is required by federal, state, or local law. No communication to the Township made through this website shall be deemed to constitute legal or official notice for any purpose.
Neither the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Upper Dublin, the Township Manager, the officers, employees nor agents of the Township, warrant the accuracy or timeliness of any information provided and, they are not responsible for information contained in third party hyper links. Upper Dublin provides this website as a public service. Users of this website are responsible for checking the accuracy, completeness, content, currency, suitability, and timeliness of all information. The Township makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, content, currency, suitability, or timeliness of the information provided via this website. The Township specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from providing the website or the information it contains, including any websites maintained by third parties and linked to this website.
Adopted by Resolution #1867 of the Board of Commissioners of Upper Dublin Township the 11th day of January, 2005.